Dental Practice Finance

How we can help you

Assessing the proposal

We provide a quick and reliable opinion on what level of funding can be raised on a specific project

Interpreting Financial Accounts

We provide an independent interpretation of the historic financial performance of a business and a detailed assessment of how much funding the business can support, taking into account the lenders usual servicing metrics

Finding the right Banking partner

We offer an alternative to the often long and frustrating process of trying to find a High Street lender who understands the sector and a Bank representative who has the experience to obtain an underwritten offer within the required timescale

Tendering the funding requirement

We will open your funding requirement to a comprehensive competitive tender to ensure you obtain the best terms available in the market

Presenting your business case

We will present lenders with a persuasive business case that covers everything they need to make a commitment to lend

Getting a prompt response

We ensure you don’t lose a business opportunity because you are waiting for the lender to make a decision

Explaining financial jargon

We will cut through the detail and the jargon to help you make an informed choice of funding partner

Providing practical solutions

We bring extensive banking, financial and business experience that can help identify the key risks in a transaction but can also then suggest mitigants which makes the transaction bankable

Keeping on top of the deal

We always track the transaction through to completion, helping you deliver the lender’s pre-drawdown conditions, answering their questions and resolving any unexpected issues with the deal which might need the Bank’s agreement

Offering an objective view

We hope you appreciate the importance of professionalism, objective analysis, extensive business experience and a focus on delivering a first class client experience. Yes, we do charge, but are happy to be judged on what we deliver.

"Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people."

Steve Jobs

Contact Lily Head Finance